Citrix Access Gateway: duplicate STA ID

René Jorissen on March 29, 2010 3 Comments • Tags: #access #authority #cag #citrix #duplicate #gateway #secure #sta #ticket

I received complains from a customers who wasn’t able to add two new Citrix servers to his Citrix Access Gateway configuration. He could successfully add the first Citrix server, but he couldn’t add the second Citrix server, because the first was overwritten by the second. I looked at the problem and noticed that both Citrix … Read More

Configuration Example, Security

Configure VPN client on IOS router

René Jorissen on February 10, 2010 9 Comments • Tags: #access #cisco #client #configure #ios #remote #router #split #split-tunneling #tunneling #vpn

One way to remotely access a network is using the Cisco VPN client. Nowadays more and more implementations of SSL VPN are being done and Cisco stopped their development on their VPN client and pushes their Cisco AnyConnect client. Still the Cisco VPN client is often used to remotely gain access to a network. The … Read More


Juniper SA & Terminal Server with Novell Client SSO

René Jorissen on May 12, 2009 0 Comments • Tags: #access #client #juniper #novell #on #sa #secure #server #sign #single #sso #terminal

Normally configuring SSO on a Terminal Server in conjunction with a Juniper SA isn’t that hard. On the Juniper you pass the user credentials to the Terminal Server. On a normal Terminal Server you have to check the following: Disable Always prompt for password under: Terminal Services Configuration –> Connections –> Properties of RDP-tcp –> … Read More


VPN Filtering through Group Policy

René Jorissen on January 9, 2009 0 Comments • Tags: #access #connection #filtering #group #lists #permit-ipsec #permit-vpn #policy #sysopt #tunnel #vpn #vpn-filtering

When configuring a Remote Access VPN or a Site to Site VPN connection you have the ability to filter traffic entering and leaving the VPN connection. You have the ability to enable inbound IPsec sessions to bypass interface access lists. Group policy and per-user authorization access lists still apply to the traffic. The sysopt connection … Read More

Firewalling, IPSec / SSL VPN

Microsoft Outlook through Citrix Access Gateway SSL IP VPN

René Jorissen on October 31, 2008 1 Comment • Tags: #135 #1536 #access #administrator #ampr #ampr-inter #cag #citrix #epmap #exchange #gateway #inter #ip #microsoft #outlook #ssl #tcp #vpn

One of our customers wants you use their locally installed Microsoft Outlook through a Citrix Access Gateway (CAG). Sales people from that customer travel through the country and use the Outlook offline to read or prepare e-mail to send later. These people use UMTS technology to connect their laptops to the Internet. The customers wants … Read More

Configuration Example, Routing

HSRP and ACL’s

René Jorissen on October 1, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #1985 #access #access-list #acl #hot #hsrp #list #multicast #protocol #routing #standby #udp

I added a Guest VLAN to a network environment with two multi layer switches running HSRP. To secure the internal network from the Guest VLAN, I added a ACL to the Guest VLAN SVI. The ACL is stated below: ip access-list extended GUEST-DENY-RFC1918 remark Allow DHCP permit udp any eq bootpc any remark Deny RFC … Read More