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MobileIron – replace SSL certificate

René Jorissen on February 1, 2018 4 Comments • Tags: #certificate #core #mobileiron #replace #sentry #ssl

Something completely different: changing the SSL certificate on MobileIron Core and Sentry. In total, I had to replace 5 certificates. 4 certificates are replaced via the Core web interface and 1 certificate needs to be replaced via the Sentry web interface. Core Within the Core web interface you have to change the certificated in two … Read More

Configuration Example

Simply back to startup-config

René Jorissen on February 10, 2010 0 Comments • Tags: #configure #nvram:startup-config #replace

There are multiple ways to get back from the running-configuration to the startup-configuration on a Cisco router. One of the simplest ways is just rebooting the router, but this takes a couple of minutes. You can also issue a copy startup-config running-config, but that doesn’t actually replace the configuration, but merges both together. A very … Read More