Firewalling, IPSec / SSL VPN

Microsoft Outlook through Citrix Access Gateway SSL IP VPN

René Jorissen on October 31, 2008 1 Comment • Tags: #135 #1536 #access #administrator #ampr #ampr-inter #cag #citrix #epmap #exchange #gateway #inter #ip #microsoft #outlook #ssl #tcp #vpn

One of our customers wants you use their locally installed Microsoft Outlook through a Citrix Access Gateway (CAG). Sales people from that customer travel through the country and use the Outlook offline to read or prepare e-mail to send later. These people use UMTS technology to connect their laptops to the Internet. The customers wants … Read More

Proxy, Security

ISA 2006 Authentication over HTTP

René Jorissen on July 8, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #12250 #2003 #2007 #403 #authenticate #block #code #error #exchange #forwarding #http #over #owa #proxy #requests #require #reverse

I implemented different ISA 2006 Reverse Proxy servers in conjunction with Microsoft Exchange 2003 or Windows Exchange 2007. Today I configured ISA 2006 with Exchange 2007. I configured the Reverse Proxy server as I did always. And the connection from outside the network works perfectly. On the internal Exchange server I configured Basic and Integrated … Read More

Other stuff...

Exchange 2007 with ISA 2006

René Jorissen on May 5, 2008 2 Comments • Tags: #2006 #2007 #access #active #exchange #isa #isaserverorg #ldaps #microsoft #outlook #owa #publish #radius #server #sync #web

Today I have be working on publishing Microsoft Exchange Outlook WebAccess and Active Sync to the Internet. We had some discussions with some Microsoft Consultants about a secure way to publish Outlook Web Access to the Internet, especially the authentication part of such a solution. Some people are talking about publishing OWA directly to the … Read More