Proxy, Security

Citrix Secure Gateway via https-only

René Jorissen on February 4, 2013 0 Comments • Tags: #address #citrix #gateway #http #https #ip #redirect #restriction #secure #unsecure

Configuring a Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG) server is simple, but provides a powerful solution to access resource from remote locations. CSG is an application installed on a DMZ server. Mostly I also configure the Citrix WebInterface on the same server. The CSG instance listens on TCP/443 and the WI instance listens on TCP/80. To improve … Read More


TrendMicro IWSVA – Built-in groups and policies

René Jorissen on November 3, 2010 1 Comment • Tags: #authenticate #built-in #group #iwsva #ldap #user

While configuring a TrendMicro IMSVA appliance I tried to configure different URL filtering policies using built-in Windows Active Directory groups, like “Domain Users” in conjunction with user/group name authentication. Configuring policies with built-in groups weren’t functioning properly. The policies just weren’t matched, while I knew for sure that the user is a member of the … Read More

Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Proxy

Cisco CSC-SSM-20 notes

René Jorissen on November 1, 2010 6 Comments • Tags: #cisco #failover #module #ssm #synchronization

The Cisco CSC-SSM-20 modules provide advanced scanning technologies within the Cisco ASA firewall. During installations of these modules I created some quick notes, which I would like to share with you. Initial configuration After inserting the Cisco CSC-SSM modules into the Cisco ASA firewall, you have two ways to configure the initial configuration. The first … Read More

Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy

TrendMicro IMSVA – reject unknown recipients via LDAP

René Jorissen on October 26, 2010 9 Comments • Tags: #address #imsva #ldap #mail #micro #recipients #reject #secondary #trend #trendmicro

With the configuration and implementation of an anti-virus, anti-spam solution, I always check if the security appliance has the option to block unknown recipients via LDAP. This prevents unnecessary e-mail from being sent to the backend servers. While configuring a TrendMicro IMSVA 8.0 I noticed that the LDAP option was available, as shown below. The … Read More


Citrix WebInterface 5.3 on IIS7

René Jorissen on September 7, 2010 1 Comment • Tags: #net #2008 #53 #7 #92 #anerroroccurredwhiletryingtoaccesstherequestedresource #iis #iis7 #netscaler #webinterface #wi

While configuring a Citrix NetScaler 9.2 in conjunction with WebInterface 5.3 I received the following error message when executing a published application. An error occurred while trying to access the requested resource. I thought to myself….no problemo, since I blogged about this problem before (source). This solution didn’t help. After changing the RequireLaunchReference value I … Read More


VMware: upgrade VMware Tools and Virtual Hardware for Microsoft ISA array

René Jorissen on June 15, 2010 2 Comments • Tags: #array #duplicate #hardware #igmp #ip #isa #nlb #tools #upgrade #virtual #vmware

Today I have been troubleshooting problems with a Microsoft ISA array. The array didn’t function anymore after moving the Configuration Storage Server and one array member from a VMware 3.5 environment to a VMware 4.0 environment. After moving the array member the VMware Tools were upgraded and also the Virtual Hardware was upgraded. After rebooting … Read More