Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Proxy

Cisco CSC-SSM-20 notes

René Jorissen on November 1, 2010 6 Comments • Tags: #cisco #failover #module #ssm #synchronization

The Cisco CSC-SSM-20 modules provide advanced scanning technologies within the Cisco ASA firewall. During installations of these modules I created some quick notes, which I would like to share with you. Initial configuration After inserting the Cisco CSC-SSM modules into the Cisco ASA firewall, you have two ways to configure the initial configuration. The first … Read More

Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy

TrendMicro IMSVA – reject unknown recipients via LDAP

René Jorissen on October 26, 2010 9 Comments • Tags: #address #imsva #ldap #mail #micro #recipients #reject #secondary #trend #trendmicro

With the configuration and implementation of an anti-virus, anti-spam solution, I always check if the security appliance has the option to block unknown recipients via LDAP. This prevents unnecessary e-mail from being sent to the backend servers. While configuring a TrendMicro IMSVA 8.0 I noticed that the LDAP option was available, as shown below. The … Read More

Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy

Automated eSafe backup

René Jorissen on January 19, 2010 0 Comments • Tags: #automated #backup #createbackup #esafe #esgapi

After configuring an eSafe appliance you have the option to export the configuration through the management interface, but you have to do this manually. eSafe has also a build in command line option to create a backup of the required files. The command line allows backing up and restoring files using standard backup/restore commands. The … Read More

Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Mail relaying

LDAP and eSafe Gateway

René Jorissen on April 21, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #active #directory #esafe #gateway #ldap #maxpagesize #ndr #non-delivery #objectclass #publicfolders #report

eSafe Gateway can be used for scanning incoming and outgoing SMTP connections for virusses and SPAM. Normally eSafe Gateway doesn’t check incoming mail addresses against a directory like Active Directory or Novell Directory Services. This means that all mail addresses for a trusted domain are forwarded to the internal mail server. In the most ideal … Read More