Category: Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM
Cisco CSC-SSM-20 notes
The Cisco CSC-SSM-20 modules provide advanced scanning technologies within the Cisco ASA firewall. During installations of these modules I created some quick notes, which I would like to share with you. Initial configuration After inserting the Cisco CSC-SSM modules into the Cisco ASA firewall, you have two ways to configure the initial configuration. The first … Read More
Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy
TrendMicro IMSVA – reject unknown recipients via LDAP
With the configuration and implementation of an anti-virus, anti-spam solution, I always check if the security appliance has the option to block unknown recipients via LDAP. This prevents unnecessary e-mail from being sent to the backend servers. While configuring a TrendMicro IMSVA 8.0 I noticed that the LDAP option was available, as shown below. The … Read More
Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy
Automated eSafe backup
After configuring an eSafe appliance you have the option to export the configuration through the management interface, but you have to do this manually. eSafe has also a build in command line option to create a backup of the required files. The command line allows backing up and restoring files using standard backup/restore commands. The … Read More
Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Mail relaying
LDAP and eSafe Gateway
eSafe Gateway can be used for scanning incoming and outgoing SMTP connections for virusses and SPAM. Normally eSafe Gateway doesn’t check incoming mail addresses against a directory like Active Directory or Novell Directory Services. This means that all mail addresses for a trusted domain are forwarded to the internal mail server. In the most ideal … Read More
Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Mail relaying
Barracuda User Creation
I have a customer running a Barracuda SPAM firewall 300. The customer has the specific request that only the administrator can look at Quarantine messages and users shouldn’t get their own Quarantine inbox. To accomplish this I have configured the Quarantine Type: Global. I see that all Quarantine messages are delivered in the globally configured … Read More