Configuration Example, Switching

HP Virtual Connect Manager

René Jorissen on January 23, 2012 0 Comments • Tags: #connect #cookbook #flex-10 #hp #manager #set #shared #sus #uplink #virtual

While change the configuration of within a HP Virtual Connect Manager I noticed that I didn’t have any options to delete server profiles, Ethernet Networks or Shared Uplink Sets within the web browser. I needed to change the configuration dramatically from an active / standby configuration to an active / active configuration. I also needed … Read More


eSafe Proxy with NTLM v2.0

René Jorissen on March 8, 2010 1 Comment • Tags: #2008 #7 #authenticate #esafe #lan #manager #ntlm #ntlmv2 #proxy #r2

Today I am playing with eSafe 8 operating in eSafe Proxy with NTLM authentication mode. Configuring eSafe Proxy with NTLM authentication is very straightforward and not difficult. The authentication settings are configuring using the eSafe Appliance Manager web interface, like shown below. I did some testing with multiple browsers and single sign-on with NTLM authentication … Read More


RSA Authentication Manager 7.1 on VMware

René Jorissen on August 15, 2008 2 Comments • Tags: #61 #71 #authenticate #bad #esx #manager #performance #rsa #slow #vmware

I had to install and configure RSA Authentication Manager 7.1. Looking at the Supported Platforms I couldn’t find VMware ESX as supported platform. VMware ESX was supported for RSA AU6.1. So I thought by myself, let’s give it a try. What I noticed first was the size of the installer. The installation file for RSA … Read More


ID Control

René Jorissen on June 19, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #handyid #idcontrol #keystrokeid #manager #password #pki #rsa #secure #securid #strongauthentication #usbtoken #vpn #whatyouare #whatyouhave #whatyouknow

Ictivity received via via an e-mail about strong authentication products from ID Control. Strong authentication is authentication were you need multiple factors (what you have, what you know, what you are) to actual authenticate to a system, network or something else. We, as Connectivity Consultant, were asked to look at the different products and start … Read More