
Wireless controllers – the discussion continues

René Jorissen on October 2, 2012 0 Comments • Tags: #aerohive #architecture #aruba #cisco #controller #less #networks #wireless

There is already a lot said and written about wireless controllers and it’s architectures. During my recent holiday my thoughts were wandering about this subject. At the beginning we had the stand-alone access-points, which were all configured as unique identities. Choosing the correct channel and power level could be a challenge in dense environments, so … Read More


Cacti Plugin Management and RealTime Plugin

René Jorissen on October 27, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #21 #architecture #cacti #enable #management #pasql #plugin #real #real-time #time

I played a little with Cacti today and installed the Plugin Architecture 2.1. While reading some forums a lot of people are talking about the Plugin Management functionality. I looked and searched in my complete Cacti installation, checked all the configurations which can be made, but I couldn’t find anything about Plugin Management. After some … Read More