Aruba Networks, ClearPass, Configuration Example, Wireless

ClearPass – concurrent session limit

René Jorissen on April 21, 2016 0 Comments • Tags: #clearpass #concurrent #govroam #insight #limit #pgadmin #session

I tried to configure a restriction to the concurrent number of active sessions a user can have on the wireless network. I found a great article on AirHeads Community “How to deny access for authentication requests based on session limit?” In short the article tells you to: Edit the Insight Repository Add more Filiters on … Read More


Flash clean-up

René Jorissen on December 28, 2015 1 Comment • Tags: #aruba #clean #controller #crash #flash #logs #memory #tar

Lately I upgraded a Aruba Networks wireless controller or at least I tried…… The upload of a new image to the controller has two steps. First the copy process from a TFTP server to the controller and second the actual writing of the new firmware image to flash (system partition). The second step kept showing … Read More

Management, Wireless

Useful command: netsh wlan

René Jorissen on October 28, 2015 1 Comment • Tags: #export #netsh #profile #profiles #show #wlan

The management of wireless networks can be done via the Windows command “netsh wlan”. This command is especially useful when using Windows 8. You can use other “netsh” subcommands to retrieve other system information, like “netsh lan” to get information about your Wired AutoConfig Service settings. The following table describes some options for “netsh wlan”. Command … Read More

Configuration Example, Wireless

Aruba MAS – Tunneled node

René Jorissen on March 12, 2015 0 Comments • Tags: #aruba #mas #tunneled-node

Today I played a bit with an Aruba Mobility Access Switch with Tunneled Node configuration to a Aruba Mobility Controller. More information on Tunneled Node can be found here. The configuration is straight forward. You need to configured a tunneled-node profile on the MAS and associate the access ports on the MAS to a VLAN, … Read More

Configuration Example, Wireless

Aruba WPA2 with MAC authentication

René Jorissen on December 19, 2012 1 Comment • Tags: #aaa #aruba #authenticate #initial #mac #networks #profile #role #wpa

Configuring an SSID with WPA2 Pre-Shared key or Enterprise authentication and encryption is very common. Sometimes you would like to add an extra authentication method. Although this method isn’t very secure, MAC authentication is still used as an extra method to strengthen the level of security of a wireless or wired network. These days I … Read More


Wireless controllers – the discussion continues

René Jorissen on October 2, 2012 0 Comments • Tags: #aerohive #architecture #aruba #cisco #controller #less #networks #wireless

There is already a lot said and written about wireless controllers and it’s architectures. During my recent holiday my thoughts were wandering about this subject. At the beginning we had the stand-alone access-points, which were all configured as unique identities. Choosing the correct channel and power level could be a challenge in dense environments, so … Read More