Configuration Example, Fortinet

FortiGate – backup via auto-script

René Jorissen on March 28, 2018 4 Comments • Tags: #auto-script #backup #fortigate

One of the features I would like to see in a FortiGate is the ability to automatically create backups and copy them to offline storage. Of course, this can be accomplished by adding FortiManager to the solution, but why would I need FortiManager if I only have one FortiGate (cluster). Another option would be using scripts, … Read More


ISDN Backup – still alive?

René Jorissen on May 26, 2010 3 Comments • Tags: #backup #eigrp #floating #isdn #ospf

Nowadays everybody wants redundancy within their network, especially when using remote sites. Customers are using multiple ISP’s for redundancy and/or configure BGP solutions. In the old days (hear me talking with my 27 years) ISDN was often used for backup purposes and I still use it sometimes as redundancy mechanism. Everybody knows that bandwidth is … Read More

Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy

Automated eSafe backup

René Jorissen on January 19, 2010 0 Comments • Tags: #automated #backup #createbackup #esafe #esgapi

After configuring an eSafe appliance you have the option to export the configuration through the management interface, but you have to do this manually. eSafe has also a build in command line option to create a backup of the required files. The command line allows backing up and restoring files using standard backup/restore commands. The … Read More

Configuration Example

Auto Backup Configurations

René Jorissen on July 21, 2008 2 Comments • Tags: #archive #auto #backup #configurations #cron #occurrence

Till recently I didn’t have a decent way to backup configurations from routers and switches without using some kind of management tool, like Cacti or Nagios. I wanted to automatically backup configurations by only using a TFTP or FTP server on a network. I started looking and found the solution by using the archive and … Read More