Tag: eSafe
eSafe Proxy with NTLM v2.0
Today I am playing with eSafe 8 operating in eSafe Proxy with NTLM authentication mode. Configuring eSafe Proxy with NTLM authentication is very straightforward and not difficult. The authentication settings are configuring using the eSafe Appliance Manager web interface, like shown below. I did some testing with multiple browsers and single sign-on with NTLM authentication … Read More
Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy
Automated eSafe backup
After configuring an eSafe appliance you have the option to export the configuration through the management interface, but you have to do this manually. eSafe has also a build in command line option to create a backup of the required files. The command line allows backing up and restoring files using standard backup/restore commands. The … Read More
eSafe license expires
I just received the following interesting question: What happens if our eSafe license expires?……Because it expires this weekend!!!!!!!! Interesting question, because I never encountered such a situation. Normally the license is renewed in a timely fashion or a trial is stopped before the license expires. I searched the Knowledge Base from eSafe and found an … Read More
eSafe Gateway 7.1 Forwarding Proxy with squid
My colleague over at PBSPlaza wrote a nice article about enabling squid on eSafe Gateway 7.1 Forwarding Proxy. Today I had to configure an extra step to enable squid. I followed the instructions from my colleague, but when I tried to start squid I received the following error message. FATAL: Could not determine fully qualified … Read More
eSafe Configuration Restore
Some of our customers use eSafe as forwarding proxy for SMTP and HTTP scanning. Today I had to restore an eSafe, which is configured in NitroInspection II Router mode. I had created a backup configuration file from the running eSafe server and installed a new eSafe server with the default settings. After the installation I … Read More
Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Mail relaying
LDAP and eSafe Gateway
eSafe Gateway can be used for scanning incoming and outgoing SMTP connections for virusses and SPAM. Normally eSafe Gateway doesn’t check incoming mail addresses against a directory like Active Directory or Novell Directory Services. This means that all mail addresses for a trusted domain are forwarded to the internal mail server. In the most ideal … Read More