Tag: flash
Flash clean-up
Lately I upgraded a Aruba Networks wireless controller or at least I tried…… The upload of a new image to the controller has two steps. First the copy process from a TFTP server to the controller and second the actual writing of the new firmware image to flash (system partition). The second step kept showing … Read More
Cisco router: determine amount of memory/flash
Somebody asked me how he could determine the amount of DRAM and flash memory on a Cisco router. I always thought that everybody would know how to determine this information, but since this isn’t matter, I will tell you how you can determine the values. You use the show version command to retrieve the requested … Read More
Configuration Example, Management
XMODEM recovery speed
Configuring switches and routers is regular work for me. But if I would like to configure a switch or a router, I have to be able to boot the specific device…. Today I had to configure some new Cisco Catalyst 3650(E) en 3750 switches. In total I had 16 switches to configure, but three of … Read More