
TrendMicro IWSVA – Built-in groups and policies

René Jorissen on November 3, 2010 1 Comment • Tags: #authenticate #built-in #group #iwsva #ldap #user

While configuring a TrendMicro IMSVA appliance I tried to configure different URL filtering policies using built-in Windows Active Directory groups, like “Domain Users” in conjunction with user/group name authentication. Configuring policies with built-in groups weren’t functioning properly. The policies just weren’t matched, while I knew for sure that the user is a member of the … Read More

Configuration Example, IP Telephony

Strange VPDN-GROUP behavior

René Jorissen on April 1, 2009 1 Comment • Tags: #group #l2tp #receive #receive-window #tunnel #vpdn #vpdn-group

I noticed some strange behavior in a vpdn-group configuration on a Cisco 876 router. I have a router with the following vpdn-group configuration: vpdn-group pptp-group ! Default PPTP VPDN group description pptp vpn users accept-dialin protocol pptp virtual-template 10 The configuration is working perfectly and users can dialin using a PPTP connection. Backups of the … Read More

Configuration Example, Switching

Link State Tracking

René Jorissen on March 9, 2009 0 Comments • Tags: #based #blade #err-disabled #group #link #on #portid #route #state #system #tracking #virtual

Last week a friend called me and told me he was having serious problems with his network. A complete blade environment wasn’t able to communicate with the rest of the network. I asked what changed in the network and he told me that he had added a VLAN to a trunk allowed lists. Because he … Read More


VPN Filtering through Group Policy

René Jorissen on January 9, 2009 0 Comments • Tags: #access #connection #filtering #group #lists #permit-ipsec #permit-vpn #policy #sysopt #tunnel #vpn #vpn-filtering

When configuring a Remote Access VPN or a Site to Site VPN connection you have the ability to filter traffic entering and leaving the VPN connection. You have the ability to enable inbound IPsec sessions to bypass interface access lists. Group policy and per-user authorization access lists still apply to the traffic. The sysopt connection … Read More