Configuration Example, Fortinet

FortiGate – IPSec with dynamic IP

René Jorissen on April 13, 2016 5 Comments • Tags: #address #ddns #dynamic #fortigate #fortinet #ip #ipsec #vpn

Site-to-site VPN connections are a common way to connect a branch office to the corporate network. In the Netherlands it is still common to have a internet connection at a branch office with a dynamic IP address. The usage of dynamic IP address is not ideal when configuring a site-to-site VPN connection, because the configuration almost always … Read More

Proxy, Security

Citrix Secure Gateway via https-only

René Jorissen on February 4, 2013 0 Comments • Tags: #address #citrix #gateway #http #https #ip #redirect #restriction #secure #unsecure

Configuring a Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG) server is simple, but provides a powerful solution to access resource from remote locations. CSG is an application installed on a DMZ server. Mostly I also configure the Citrix WebInterface on the same server. The CSG instance listens on TCP/443 and the WI instance listens on TCP/80. To improve … Read More


Catalyst 3750X licensing

René Jorissen on July 26, 2010 1 Comment • Tags: #3750x #base #ip #lan #licensing #services #upgrade

While making a kit list for a network design with Cisco Catalyst 3750X switches, I got confused while looking at the different licensing features. The Cisco Catalyst 3750X switches are available with multiple licensing options, which can be upgraded. A new switch can be ordered with two licensing options. These are LAN Base (Enhanced Intelligent … Read More


VMware: upgrade VMware Tools and Virtual Hardware for Microsoft ISA array

René Jorissen on June 15, 2010 2 Comments • Tags: #array #duplicate #hardware #igmp #ip #isa #nlb #tools #upgrade #virtual #vmware

Today I have been troubleshooting problems with a Microsoft ISA array. The array didn’t function anymore after moving the Configuration Storage Server and one array member from a VMware 3.5 environment to a VMware 4.0 environment. After moving the array member the VMware Tools were upgraded and also the Virtual Hardware was upgraded. After rebooting … Read More

Configuration Example, Management

IPplan – IP address management

René Jorissen on September 30, 2009 5 Comments • Tags: #address #cacti #cactiez #dynamic #ip #ipam #ipplan #management #nmap

A lot of customers have different methods for their IP address management. Most of them use some kind of static documentation, like an Excel sheet. In the past I implemented IPplan multiple times. I like this tool, because it dynamically scans multiple IP subnets, using ICMP and/or Nmap. Another advantage of IPplan is its ability … Read More

Firewalling, IPSec / SSL VPN

Microsoft Outlook through Citrix Access Gateway SSL IP VPN

René Jorissen on October 31, 2008 1 Comment • Tags: #135 #1536 #access #administrator #ampr #ampr-inter #cag #citrix #epmap #exchange #gateway #inter #ip #microsoft #outlook #ssl #tcp #vpn

One of our customers wants you use their locally installed Microsoft Outlook through a Citrix Access Gateway (CAG). Sales people from that customer travel through the country and use the Outlook offline to read or prepare e-mail to send later. These people use UMTS technology to connect their laptops to the Internet. The customers wants … Read More