Configuration Example, Firewalling, Routing

NBAR and smart filtering

René Jorissen on February 15, 2011 2 Comments • Tags: #application #based #http #match #mime #nbar #network #protocol #recognition

NBAR (Network Based Application Recognition) is a cool Cisco tool to identify and classify content flowing through a router. You can identify applications as mission critical, business-related, non-critical or unwanted. Once these mission critical applications are classified they can be guaranteed a minimum amount of bandwidth, policy routed, and marked for preferential treatment. Non-critical applications … Read More

Configuration Example, Routing

Policy NAT on Cisco router

René Jorissen on January 14, 2009 9 Comments • Tags: #address #based #cisco #dynamic #nat #network #policy #policy-based #router #static #translation

A colleague of mine had to implement an IPSec VPN tunnel from a customer to a supplier. The customer has a Cisco router for connecting to the Internet, so nothing special. The router is already setup and in production. Configuring an extra IPSec VPN tunnel isn’t very hard, the most important part is the negotiation … Read More

Other stuff...

WebMarshal performance problems

René Jorissen on May 22, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #arp #bad #balancing #content #load #network #performance #procurve #static #switch #webmarshal

One of our customers is using WebMarshal for HTTP/HTTPS URL filtering and content scanning. The WebMarshall software is installed on two Microsoft ISA 2003 servers. These ISA servers are behind a Cisco Content Switch for load-balancing and redundancy purposes. The problem with the WebMarshal is the PERFORMANCE. Internet browsing with the WebMarshal as proxy just … Read More

Other stuff...

Network simulator

René Jorissen on April 25, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #dynagen #dynamips #gns3 #network #simulator

More often I have to change critical configuration options in live environments, but sometimes I don’t no the effect of these changes on the network. So I would like to build a test network where I can check the impact of the configuration changes. A good network simulator would definitely help in this situation. Cisco … Read More