Aruba Networks, ClearPass, Configuration Example, Security, Switching

Downloadable User-Roles and NTP sync

René Jorissen on February 13, 2019 2 Comments • Tags: #clearpass #switch

The HPE Aruba switches have this cool feature called downloadable user-roles (DUR). DUR enables the switch to use a central ClearPass server to download user-roles to the switch for authenticated users. More and more customers want to implement wired authentication to strengthen the security level of their network. Via DUR the switches perform an HTTPS … Read More

Management, Switching

Upgrading Cisco switch stack

René Jorissen on December 15, 2010 0 Comments • Tags: #allow-feature-upgrade #archive #download-sw #ftp #imageonly #overwrite #stack #switch

I always upgrade a switch stack with one single command. Last week I received a call from a customer with the question about the upgrade procedure for a switch stack. The customer wanted to upload the image separately to every single switch. I told him that he could upgrade all switches at once. Since I … Read More

Other stuff...

WebMarshal performance problems

René Jorissen on May 22, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #arp #bad #balancing #content #load #network #performance #procurve #static #switch #webmarshal

One of our customers is using WebMarshal for HTTP/HTTPS URL filtering and content scanning. The WebMarshall software is installed on two Microsoft ISA 2003 servers. These ISA servers are behind a Cisco Content Switch for load-balancing and redundancy purposes. The problem with the WebMarshal is the PERFORMANCE. Internet browsing with the WebMarshal as proxy just … Read More