
Aruba: Split Tunnel with a RAP-5WN

René Jorissen on September 30, 2011 2 Comments • Tags: #ap-group #aruba #networks #profile #rap5 #rap5wn #session #split #tunnel #tunneling #user #user-role #wired-ap-port #wired-ap-profile

Split Tunneling is technique, which is used very often in (SSL) VPN scenario’s. The RAP-5WN access points has multiple Ethernet ports to connect different components, like workstations or printers. You can configure the usual user roles and other settings on these Ethernet ports.

You can also configure Split Tunneling per Ethernet port. When using Split Tunneling the connected components received an IP address from the company DHCP server. By using access-control lists you can specify the traffic, which is tunnel through the RAP to the central controller. Traffic, which isn’t tunneled, is NAT’ted to the local network by using the IP address of the RAP on the local network.

The configuration example below shows you how to configure Split Tunneling for an Ethernet port on a RAP-5WN. I don’t show you the provision and creation of a VAP for the remote access points. I assume that the RAP is already provisioned and currently all traffic is tunneled to the central controller.

1. The first step involves the creation of the access-control list to specify the traffic to tunnel and the traffic to bridge locally. The access-list shows that the DHCP services (udp/67 and udp/68) and traffic to the network is tunnel to the central controller and all other traffic is locally bridged. This is the most important step when configuring Split Tunneling.

ip access-list session rap-split-tunnel-policy
any network any  permit
any any svc-dhcp  permit
any any any  route src-nat

2. Next you need to create a user role and associate the previously create access-list to the user role.

user-role rap-split-tunnel-port-role
access-list session rap-split-tunnel-policy

3. The user role needs to be tied to a AAA profile.

aaa profile “rap-split-tunnel-aaa_prof”
initial-role “rap-split-tunnel-port-role”

4. The following step contains the configuration of a wired-ap-profile.. The wired-ap-profile contains the VLAN information for the connected component, the forward-mode and you can enable/disable the Ethernet port. The configured wired-ap-profile puts the client in VLAN 50, enables the port and puts the port in Split Tunnel mode.

ap wired-ap-profile “rap-split-tunnel-wired-ap_prof”
forward-mode split-tunnel
switchport access vlan 50

5. You have all the basics configured and next you need to configure the Ethernet port profile. This profile combines the AAA profile and the wired-ap-profile.

ap wired-port-profile “rap-split-tunnel-wired-port_prof”
wired-ap-profile “rap-split-tunnel-wired-ap_prof”
no rap-backup
aaa-profile “rap-split-tunnel-aaa_prof”

6. The last step is to tie the wired-port-profile to the appropriate AP group. I configured a separate group for remote access points, called remote-o1. The configuration ties the wired-ap-profile to Ethernet 4 on the RAP-5WN.

ap-group “remote-01”
enet4-port-profile “rap-split-tunnel-wired-port_prof”

You are now ready to go!!

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René Jorissen

Co-owner and Solution Specialist at 4IP Solutions
René Jorissen works as Solution Specialist for 4IP in the Netherlands. Network Infrastructures are the primary focus. René works with equipment of multiple vendors, like Cisco, Aruba Networks, FortiNet, HP Networking, Juniper Networks, RSA SecurID, AeroHive, Microsoft and many more. René is Aruba Certified Edge Expert (ACEX #26), Aruba Certified Mobility Expert (ACMX #438), Aruba Certified ClearPass Expert (ACCX #725), Aruba Certified Design Expert (ACDX #760), CCNP R&S, FCNSP and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEF) certified. You can follow René on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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  1. Andrey says:

    “The last step is to tie the wired-ap-profile to the appropriate AP group”..you probably meant “wired-port-profile”

  2. Rene Jorissen says:


    You are right. I changed the text.

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