Anti-virus / Anti-SPAM, Configuration Example, Proxy

Automated eSafe backup

RenĂ© Jorissen on January 19, 2010 0 Comments • Tags: #automated #backup #createbackup #esafe #esgapi

After configuring an eSafe appliance you have the option to export the configuration through the management interface, but you have to do this manually. eSafe has also a build in command line option to create a backup of the required files. The command line allows backing up and restoring files using standard backup/restore commands. The … Read More


Fully Automated Nagios

RenĂ© Jorissen on September 30, 2008 0 Comments • Tags: #automated #fan #fully #nagios

A colleague noticed the new developments regarding Nagios. Nagios is an Open Source host, service and network monitoring program. I always had my doubts about Nagios, especially about the manageability of the application. The installation and configuration of Nagios can be very time consuming. And a lot of customers are “afraid” of using Nagios, because … Read More