Configuration Example, Firewalling, Routing

NBAR and smart filtering

René Jorissen on February 15, 2011 2 Comments • Tags: #application #based #http #match #mime #nbar #network #protocol #recognition

NBAR (Network Based Application Recognition) is a cool Cisco tool to identify and classify content flowing through a router. You can identify applications as mission critical, business-related, non-critical or unwanted. Once these mission critical applications are classified they can be guaranteed a minimum amount of bandwidth, policy routed, and marked for preferential treatment. Non-critical applications … Read More

Configuration Example, Routing

Policy-based routing in a nutshell

René Jorissen on October 13, 2010 1 Comment • Tags: #based #c #cisco #pbr #policy #routing

Lately I received some questions about routing decisions and how to influence the routing decisions via access control lists. The following example shows a simple configuration for policy-based routing. The example uses the following logical setup: I configured two routers and connected each router to two PVC’s on the same ATM interface. I configured one … Read More

Configuration Example, Quality of Service

CB-WFQ Bandwidth Allocation

René Jorissen on January 13, 2010 0 Comments • Tags: #bandwidth #based #cbwfq #class #class-based #fair #max-reserved #priority #queueing #weighted

When configuring Quality of Service with CB-WFQ I am always puzzling to get the correct classes. When configuring CB-WFQ it is important to remember that the router does not allow the class queues to consume more than 75% of the total interface bandwidth. The remaining 25% are used for the default class as well as … Read More

Configuration Example, IPSec / SSL VPN

Juniper SA & GroupWise WebAcc SSO

René Jorissen on May 6, 2009 1 Comment • Tags: #2500 #authenticate #based #fba #form #forms #groupwise #juniper #novell #on #post #sa #sign #single #sso #webacc #webaccess

While configuring a Juniper SA2500 in conjunction with Novell GroupWise WebAccess, the customers wanted single sign on (SSO) configured. The default Novell GroupWise WebAccess login page uses FBA (Forms Based Authentication). So it should be possible to push the correct POST parameters to enable SSO for GroupWise WebAccess. I started with looking at the page … Read More

Configuration Example, Switching

Link State Tracking

René Jorissen on March 9, 2009 0 Comments • Tags: #based #blade #err-disabled #group #link #on #portid #route #state #system #tracking #virtual

Last week a friend called me and told me he was having serious problems with his network. A complete blade environment wasn’t able to communicate with the rest of the network. I asked what changed in the network and he told me that he had added a VLAN to a trunk allowed lists. Because he … Read More

Configuration Example, Routing

Policy NAT on Cisco router

René Jorissen on January 14, 2009 9 Comments • Tags: #address #based #cisco #dynamic #nat #network #policy #policy-based #router #static #translation

A colleague of mine had to implement an IPSec VPN tunnel from a customer to a supplier. The customer has a Cisco router for connecting to the Internet, so nothing special. The router is already setup and in production. Configuring an extra IPSec VPN tunnel isn’t very hard, the most important part is the negotiation … Read More