Configuration Example, Firewalling

FortiGate – debug flow

René Jorissen on February 10, 2015 0 Comments • Tags: #debug #diagnose #flow #fortigate #policy #simulation

You can use the diagnose debug flow commands to do a policy simulation. An example of the output: fw01 (root) # diagnose debug enable fw01 (root) # diagnose debug flow show console enable show trace messages on console fw01 (root) # diagnose debug flow filter addr fw01 (root) # diagnose debug flow trace start … Read More

Configuration Example, Routing

Policy-based routing in a nutshell

René Jorissen on October 13, 2010 1 Comment • Tags: #based #c #cisco #pbr #policy #routing

Lately I received some questions about routing decisions and how to influence the routing decisions via access control lists. The following example shows a simple configuration for policy-based routing. The example uses the following logical setup: I configured two routers and connected each router to two PVC’s on the same ATM interface. I configured one … Read More

Proxy, Security

Problem running ISA en IAS on the same server

René Jorissen on March 19, 2010 3 Comments • Tags: #default #ias #isa #isaserverdefaultpolicy #policy #same #server

Today I had some problems running ISA 2004 en IAS on the same server. At the beginning the customer was running ISA 2000 and IAS on the same server without any problems. By incident, the customer was forced to upgrade his ISA. They had a 2004 license, so ISA 2004 it was. I noticed that … Read More


RSA 7.1 with On-Demand

René Jorissen on November 18, 2009 0 Comments • Tags: #35 #71 #clickatell #demand #email #ldap #mail #on #otp #policy #rsa #selfservice #sms #token #vmware

RSA token security provides a way to strengthen the security on public services. Token authentication is most often implemented with hardware tokens. RSA 7.1 has additional methods of token authentication besides the hardware tokens: Token delivery by SMS; Token delivery by e-mail; To enable the above features you have to install at least RSA 7.1 … Read More

Configuration Example, Routing

Policy NAT on Cisco router

René Jorissen on January 14, 2009 9 Comments • Tags: #address #based #cisco #dynamic #nat #network #policy #policy-based #router #static #translation

A colleague of mine had to implement an IPSec VPN tunnel from a customer to a supplier. The customer has a Cisco router for connecting to the Internet, so nothing special. The router is already setup and in production. Configuring an extra IPSec VPN tunnel isn’t very hard, the most important part is the negotiation … Read More


VPN Filtering through Group Policy

René Jorissen on January 9, 2009 0 Comments • Tags: #access #connection #filtering #group #lists #permit-ipsec #permit-vpn #policy #sysopt #tunnel #vpn #vpn-filtering

When configuring a Remote Access VPN or a Site to Site VPN connection you have the ability to filter traffic entering and leaving the VPN connection. You have the ability to enable inbound IPsec sessions to bypass interface access lists. Group policy and per-user authorization access lists still apply to the traffic. The sysopt connection … Read More